Amazing Cat Habitat 2

Amazing Cat Habitat
Over the last 2 years we have installed this amazing cat habitat as seen in the video below for this lovely couple in the Vancouver area and their 2 youtube stars, Monkey and Panther. The first initial installation was the habitat running along the outside wall of the house and then the second was from ...

Burglars and Pet Access doors

Burglars and Pet Access doors
Many people have lots of questions when enquiring about a Pet Access door, but the most common one is: What if a burglar comes through my pet door? It’s a terrifying thought, I know. Having the safety of your home compromised by something you thought was going to be such help for you and your ...

Collarless Electronic Cat Door 4

Like most outdoor cat owners you have wanted a cat door to keep the unwanted neighborhood cats and other pesky critters out but did not want your cat to wear a collar. Now there is an electronic cat door that allows only your cat to come and go with no collar and wont let anything ...

Pet Door saves our Sanity

Pet Door saves our Sanity
Our dog bailey who is an integral part of our family and over the summer I grown more conscious of our dog Bailey’s hearing which has been failing fast and with this it has some good sides and bad sides and the first being is that he used to howl at every siren that went ...

Pet Doors, What are my Options 2

Pin It Canine doorways and cat doors offer your pets using the independence to come and go as they like with out requiring you to allow them in and out every time. Selecting a quality Dog doors for walls will help save power throughout the hot and cold seasons. Dogs that invest an excessive amount ...

Experts Recommend Pet Doors for Pet-Friendly Homes

Experts Recommend Pet Doors for Pet-Friendly Homes
So you’ve been thinking of replacing a door in your house, consider installing a pet-friendly door for your family’s four-legged, furry friend. Pet Access Solutions expert Andrew Phillips, owner of Pet Access in Vancouver British Columbia , says a pet door is a “Useful addition” to an existing Patio door, wall or house door ...

Let Your Indoor Cat into the Outdoors

Let Your Indoor Cat into the Outdoors
Every Year around Christmas time many cats and kittens are bought or adopted as gifts and quite often the breeders or adoption rescue centers only let their cats go on the promise that the cats be going to an indoors only home. This is great as the smaller native wildlife doesn’t have to suffer from ...

What Critter Came Through Your Pet Door

What Critter Came Through Your Pet Door
This topic comes up a lot and infact its one of the most asked questions by my customers. So I want to know What Critters have come through your or your friends or families pet door? I have noted that almost everyone has a story, either their own or a friends so please share it ...

A Revolutionary New Glass Conversion Pet Door 2

Its been a long time coming but it is finally here! Two amazing companies, Plexidor and Pet Access Solutions have teamed up to bring you  the Plexidor Glass Conversion pet door which opens up the possibilities to thousands more pet owners who only have the option of a patio door or window to install a ...

Pet Doors and HOA’s and Strata’s

For years now you have been wanting a pet door to allow your companion the freedom to come and go at their leisure, but have been restricted by the Home Owners Association (HOA) or Strata not allowing any holes to be cut into walls and doors of any of the exterior structure. This is an ...